Charter Fishing Fun With A Local Pro


Daytona Beach Shark Fishing: 5 Things to Keep in Mind

Shark fishing is a daunting challenge for anglers looking for the most feared fish in the ocean, which is why it is so important to equip yourself with the proper knowledge before embarking on one of our incredible shark fishing charters. This can be a fun and exhilarating experience which is quite unlike anything else, so there are several things to keep in mind to ensure your safety as you hunt for one of nature’s most fearsome predators. Continue reading to learn more about the important information to keep in mind when going shark fishing.

The Bait

In order to get a shark’s attention, you have to use live bait. Sharks have a great sense of smell and can pick up on any bait within a quarter of a mile. The most common baits for sharks are bluefish and mackerel, though they will bite at anything oily. Additionally, mounting a skirt near your hook will help create the movements that make sharks believe the bait is alive. Bait should be prepped by butterflying it: that is, removing the backbone and filleting the fish from head to tail on both sides to enhance the fluttery effect that will attract sharks.


Even though sharks do not hunt humans, they are naturally aggressive and of course have many rows of teeth. Due to this, safety precautions are mandatory to keep the crew as safe as possible. Be sure that you do not skimp out on the quality of the equipment you use, as this can be the difference between safety and injury when hunting for a predator. Furthermore, never go shark fishing alone, as the boat requires multiple jobs. At the start of your shark fishing charter, everyone’s responsibilities should be clearly laid out so that they can know what to do once a shark takes the bait.

Where to Look

The hunt can be just as exciting as the catch for those who know what they are doing, and our team at Captain Daddy’s Fishing Charters are the best in the business. Sharks enjoy being near structures, so shark fishers should look for areas with holes and ledges. Any place where a shark will be able to loiter is where you should go. Once you have found your spot, you will want to drift for a while. Sharks are immediately attracted towards interesting activity, but they are smart enough to “dance” with their prey before biting.

The Catch

Once you feel your first bite, you do not want the shark to know that it has been hooked. Set your drag just loose enough so that the shark can take the bait and run with it. Once their run lets up, tighten the drag and give the line a light tug. At this point, the shark should become aware that it has been hooked and it will make its second run. This is when the tug of war starts and it can take up to an hour to catch a big shark, so take your time and conserve your energy!

Now that you know more about shark fishing, join us on any of our incredible fishing charters through the waters of Daytona Beach and New Smyrna Beach. We offer a wide array of options, including inshore and offshore trips, that are suitable to anyone’s preferences. Browse our selection online to find the best fishing charter for you and prepare to set sail with Captain Daddy on a trip that you will never forget!
